100 Magazines All Cover 1800x1000px

100 most beautiful ...

Home & living magazines

Magazine making is beautiful, but threatened with extinction. In collaboration with the ‘RedaktionsbĂŒro Architektur’, Rosebud conceived and designed several magazines on the topics of architecture and design over a period of 8 years (actually 18, but that's another story) with the beautiful titles ‘100 schönsten Österreichische HĂ€user / Deutsche HĂ€user / FerienhĂ€user / Future Objects / Green Spaces / Working Spaces. And then came Covid19.

Published by 100 Medien, available at news stands and magazine shops and via Verlag fĂŒr moderne Kunst.

Rosebud delivers Editorial Strategy, Editorial Design, Brand Publishing, Art Buying, Illustration and Informationsdesign.

100 FO 2019 Cover 1800x1000px

100 Future Objects 2019

From idea to object. Visionary products, prototypes, materials, and innovations for a progressive, responsible, and networked society. In this edition, the spotlight is placed on eleven trends that will influence and change our world.

100 future OBJECTS is one of the leading magazines for contemporary design culture and pioneering cult products. It features extraordinary projects and products, cutting-edge technologies and materials, and takes a look behind the scenes into fascinating innovation processes.

00 RZ 100 FO19 191028 RGB 150dpi COVER
RZ 100 FO19 191028 RGB DS dummy 03
RZ 100 FO19 191028 RGB DS dummy 21
RZ 100 FO19 191028 RGB DS dummy 23
RZ 100 FO19 191028 RGB DS dummy 25
RZ 100 FO19 191028 RGB DS dummy 27
RZ 100 FO19 191028 RGB DS dummy 29
RZ 100 FO19 191028 RGB DS dummy 35
RZ 100 FO19 191028 RGB DS dummy 37
RZ 100 FO19 191028 RGB DS dummy 38
RZ 100 FO19 191028 RGB DS dummy 40
RZ 100 FO19 191028 RGB DS dummy 43
RZ 100 FO19 191028 RGB DS dummy 44
RZ 100 FO19 191028 RGB DS dummy 45
RZ 100 FO19 191028 RGB DS dummy 55
RZ 100 FO19 191028 RGB DS dummy 66
RZ 100 FO19 191028 RGB DS dummy 69
RZ 100 FO19 191028 RGB DS dummy 71
RZ 100 FO19 191028 RGB DS dummy 78
RZ 100 FO19 191028 RGB DS dummy 84
09 100 fo19 animation nomadic
08 100 fo19 animation selfcare
06 100 fo19 animation zerowaste
02 100 fo19 animation handcrafted
Studio Besau Marguerre Fuerstenberg Reportage 062
100 H FO 2019 1600x1100px

100 Green Spaces 2019

As we know, the future is green. A glance at hidden garden refuges, sunny roof terraces, and hedonistic green spaces shows as much – the variety is boundless.

100 green SPACES is the bigger magazine for landscape architecture and garden culture. It compiles a hundred smart and sustainable ideas for the world of today and tomorrow, from mobile green spaces to urban development.

A special on climate is dedicated to sustainable concepts for a better life in the city.

100 GS 2019 COVER 1000x1448
100 GS 2019 slider 1200x869 1
100 GS 2019 slider 1200x869 2
100 GS 2019 slider 1200x869 3
100 GS 2019 slider 1200x869 4
100 GS 2019 slider 1200x869 5
100 GS 2019 slider 1200x869 6
100 GS 2019 slider 1200x869 7
100 GS 2019 slider 1200x869 8
100 GS 2019 slider 1200x869 10
100 GS 2019 slider 1200x869 9
100 GS 2019 i LLU gif
1 KORR 1200x1200
100 GS 2019 images 1200x1200 1
100 GS 2019 images 1200x1200 9
100 H GS 2019 1600x1100px

100 Working Spaces 2018

What kind of environments are needed for the working culture of the future? How can space be provided for freedom and structure in equal measure? Today, business culture not only pursues economic or strategic objectives, but also a lifestyle culture that increasingly integrates work and spurs creativity, too.

The third edition of the bigger magazine for office culture & corporate architecture presents spaces that facilitate this new standard.

It also includes the special “Mit gutem Grund” on novel designs and materials for floors, a feature about smart building technologies, and a spot on “innovative spaces” with concentration cabins and incubators for new ideas.

100 WS 2018 COVER
100 WS 2018 slider 01
100 WS 2018 slider 02
100 WS 2018 slider 03
100 WS 2018 slider 04
100 WS 2018 slider 05
100 WS 2018 slider 07
100 WS 2018 slider 08
100 WS 2018 slider 09
100 WS 2018 slider 10
Toon Grobet19 1200x1800
Meeting Room B1 HR 1200x1800
Buero Laden Cafe 21a 1200x1800
5670 N12744 1200x1800
100 H WS 2018 1600x1100px

100 Austrian Houses 2018

100 H OE 2018 Cover
100 H OE 2018 DS 1
100 H OE 2018 DS 2
100 H OE 2018 DS 3
100 H OE 2018 DS 4
100 H OE 2018 DS 5
100 H OE 2018 DS 6
100 H OE 2018 DS 7
100 H OE 2018 DS 8
100 H OE 2018 DS 10
100 H OE 2018 Bauen Im Bestand 02 1200x1200
S8 A2323 highres KORR 1200x1200
100 H OE 2018 Klima
Aussen front KORR 1200x1200
100 H OE 2018 1600x1100px

100 Working Spaces 2017/18

An office is a stage, a village, a market place – a “togetherness” on both a formal and informal level. In this spirit, modern offices should encourage collaboration, support communication, and enable recreation in between.

The second edition of the bigger magazine for office culture & corporate architecture presents 100 innovative working spaces, office concepts, and headquarters, which raise collaboration and cooperation to a new level.

The focus on light reflects the importance of astute planning of daylight and artificial lighting with outstanding examples and interviews.

100 WS 2017 ES Cover 0
100 WS 2017 DS 1200x869 1
100 WS 2017 DS 1200x869 1 2
100 WS 2017 DS 1200x869 1 3
100 WS 2017 DS 1200x869 2
100 WS 2017 DS 1200x869 3
100 WS 2017 DS 1200x869 3 1
100 WS 2017 DS 1200x869 4
100 WS 2017 DS 1200x869 5
100 WS 2017 DS 1200x869 6
100 WS 2017 DS 1200x869 7
100 WS 2017 DS 1200x869 7 1
100 WS 2017 DS 1200x869 8
SMA Studio04 1800x1200
DSC 8978w korr 1800x1200
A9 A1219 1800x1200
100 H WS 2017 1600x1100px

100 German Houses 2016/17

100 H DE 2017 Cover
100 H DE 2017 DS 01
100 H DE 2017 DS 02
100 H DE 2017 DS 03
100 H DE 2017 DS 04
100 H DE 2017 DS 05
100 H DE 2017 DS 06
100 H DE 2017 DS 07
100 H DE 2017 DS 07 b
100 H DE 2017 DS 08
100 H DE 2017 DS 09
100 H DE 2017 DS 10
100 H DE 2017 FOKUS 05
SH2014 2324 1200x1200
100 H DE 2017 FOKUS 03
1307 Villa H Drohne Top RGB 1200x1200
100 H DE 2017 1600x1100px 2

100 Holiday Homes 2017

01 100 FH Berg 2017 Slider Cover 1000x1448px
02 100 FH 2017 Berg 2 DS
03 100 FH 2017 Berg 20 DS
04 100 FH 2017 Berg 22 DS
05 100 FH 2017 Berg 28 DS
06 100 FH 2017 Berg 32 DS
07 100 FH 2017 Berg 42 DS
08 100 FH 2017 Berg 48 DS
09 100 FH 2017 86 DS
10 100 FH 2017 94 DS
11 100 FH 2017 112 DS
01 100 FH Insel 2017 Slider Cover 1000x1448px
02 100 FH 2017 Insel 2 DS
03 100 FH 2017 Insel 20 DS
04 100 FH 2017 Insel 28 DS
09 100 FH 2017 106 DS
05 100 FH 2017 Insel 32 DS
06 100 FH 2017 Insel 40 DS
07 100 FH 2017 Insel 42 DS
08 100 FH 2017 94 DS
100 FH 2017 Uboot Illu 1200x1200
14 STEVE KING Manshausen DSC7947 Edit korr 1200x1200
100 FH 2017 Propellerhaus Illu 1200x1200
03 korr 1200x1200
100 H FH 2017 1600x1100px INSEL
100 H FH 2017 1600x1100px BERG

100 Working Spaces 2016/17

How do we live and work today, how tomorrow? What kind of working environments do we need to fully unfold our creative capacities?

The bigger magazine for office culture & corporate architecture presents 100 innovative working spaces and office concepts from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, together with exceptional projects from around the world. Statements and interviews by leading architects, planners, and designers provide a sneak peek behind the scenes.

01 100 WS 2016 1 DS
02 100 WS 2016 2 DS
03 100 WS 2016 22 DS
04 100 WS 2016 40 DS
05 100 WS 2016 42 DS
06 100 WS 2016 44 DS
07 100 WS 2016 50 DS
08 100 WS 2016 74 DS
09 100 WS 2016 82 DS
10 100 WS 2016 90 DS
11 100 WS 2016 106 DS
12 100 WS 2016 120 DS
13 100 WS 2016 122 DS
14 100 WS 2016 128 DS
2146 037 D korr 1800x1200px
Tel Aviv 166 korr 1800x1200
Eki cabaneext02 korr 1800x1200
100 H WS 2016 1600x1100px

100 German Houses2016/17

100 H DE 2016 Cover ES 00
100 H DE 2016 1800x869 DS 1
100 H DE 2016 spreads DS 1200x869 2 1
100 H DE 2016 1800x869 DS 3
100 H DE 2016 spreads DS 1200x869 3 1
100 H DE 2016 1800x869 DS 4
100 H DE 2016 1800x869 DS 5
100 H DE 2016 1800x869 DS 6
100 H DE 2016 spreads DS 1200x869 6 1
100 H DE 2016 spreads DS 1200x869 6 2
100 H DE 2016 1800x869 DS 7
100 H DE 2016 spreads DS 1200x869 7 1
100 H DE 2016 1800x869 DS 8
100 H DE 2016 1800x869 DS 9
100 H DE 2016 spreads DS 1200x869 9 1
100 H DE 2016 spreads DS 1200x869 9 2
100 H DE 2016 1800x869 DS 10
100 H DE 2016 1800x869 DS 11
Nachbarin korr 1800x1200
DSC 9992 korr 1800x1200
Bild 018 korr 1800x1200
100 H DE 2016 1600x1100px

100 Austrian Houses 2016/17

01 100 H OE 2016 Vorderseite
02 100 H OE 2016 2 DS
03 100 H OE 2016 16 DS
04 100 H OE 2016 26 DS
05 100 H OE 2016 34 DS
07 100 H OE 2016 62 DS
08 100 H OE 2016 66 DS
09 100 H OE 2016 92 DS
10 100 H OE 2016 106 DS
11 100 H OE 2016 108 DS
12 100 H OE 2016 112 DS
13 100 H OE 2016 120 DS
14 100 H OE 2016 126 DS
15 100 H OE 2016 136 DS
100 H AT 2016 archtypen illus 1200x1737 1
100 H AT 2016 archtypen illus 1200x1737 3
100 H AT 2016 archtypen illus 1200x1737 4 new
100 H AT 2016 archtypen illus 1200x1737 5
RGB haus hohlen 03 1800x1200
Offenes Haus 03 1800x1200
EFH Gmunden Hang 1800x1200
100 H OE 2016 1600x1100px

100 German Houses 2016/17

01 100 H DE 2015 Vorderseite2 1000x1448px
02 100 H DE 2015 2 DS
03 100 H DE 2015 8 DS
04 100 H DE 2015 14 DS
05 100 H DE 2015 30 DS
06 100 H DE 2015 36 DS
07 100 H DE 2015 40 DS
08 100 H DE 2015 48 DS
09 100 H DE 2015 80 DS
10 100 H DE 2015 88 DS
12 100 H DE 2015 164 DS
Scheders haus 8 30x28 korr2 1200x1800
RH2252 0032 1200x1800
BB frontal1 1200x1800
100604009 B6 1200x1800
100 H DE 2015 1600x1100px

The first issue - 100 Austrian Houses 2008

01 100 H OE 2014 1 Vorderseite 1000x1448
02 100 H OE 2014 6 DS
04 100 H OE 2014 20 DS
05 100 H OE 2014 28 DS
06 100 H OE 2014 46 DS
07 100 H OE 2014 68 DS
08 100 H OE 2014 78 DS
09 100 H OE 2014 82 DS
10 100 H OE 2014 84 DS
11 100 H OE 2014 86 DS
12 100 H OE 2014 88 DS
13 100 H OE 2014 100 DS
14 100 H OE 2014 138 DS
15 100 H OE 2014 166 DS
16 100 H OE 2014 170 DS
Ufogel2 korr 1800x1200
Bachstelze tags9 korrpsd 1800x1200
100 H OE 2014 1600x1100px

the first issue - 2008

01 100 hÀuser 2008 Vorderseite 1000x1448
02 100 H OE 2008 6 DS
04 100 H OE 2008 14 DS
05 100 H OE 2008 20 DS
06 100 H OE 2008 30 DS
07 100 H OE 2008 34 DS
08 100 H OE 2008 60 DS
09 100 H OE 2008 72 DS
10 100 H OE 2008 78 DS
11 100 H OE 2008 104 DS
12 100 H OE 2008 112 DS
13 100 H OE 2008 156 DS
Ppag pa1 spiluttini05 4c 1800x1200
Haus Schalk d1 4c 1800x1200
100 H OE 2008 1600x1100px 02
Agenda TB 22 mockup2