Legal Notice

Bäuerlegasse 32, A-1200 Wien
Tel.: +43-1-535 49 70-0
Fax: +43-1-535 49 70-20

Managing Directors
Ralf Herms, Mag. Wolfgang Stögmann

Commercial register
Firmenbuch 437329g, HG Wien

ANKÖ-Firmencode: 81375
UID-Nr.: ATU69761625

Bank details
Erste Bank
IBAN: AT25 2011 1840 2044 3100

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The content of this website is protected by copyright. All content, text and graphics are the property of Rosebud Design GmbH, all rights reserved. Certain content may also be subject to the copyright and terms of use of our partners, customers or suppliers; this applies to texts, images, graphics, sound, animations and videos.

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The information contained on this website has been compiled to the best of our knowledge and checked for accuracy. However, content and factual errors cannot be completely ruled out. Rosebud Design GmbH assumes no guarantee or liability for the accuracy, up-to-dateness and completeness of the information provided. All information is provided without guarantee. This also applies to all links to other URLs mentioned on our website.

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© Rosebud Design GmbH, 2025